
What are Art NFTs and Utility NFTs part 1

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Malcolm Dare

Art NFTs are typically used to represent a unique digital artwork or collectible that is stored on a blockchain. These types of NFTs are often traded on marketplaces and used as a way to prove ownership of a specific piece of digital art or as a way for artists to monetize their work.

Utility NFTs, on the other hand, are designed to have a specific utility or purpose beyond just representing ownership of a digital asset. They can be used for a wide range of purposes, from representing in-game assets in a video game to tokenizing real-world assets like property or commodities.

Some examples of utility NFTs in the business world include:

  1. Loyalty NFTs: These NFTs can be used to reward loyal customers with exclusive discounts or special access to products or services.
  2. Fractionalized Property NFTs: These NFTs can represent ownership of a real-world property, allowing investors to buy and sell fractional shares of the property.
  3. Investment NFTs: These NFTs can be used to represent ownership in a particular investment, such as a venture capital fund or a real estate project.
  4. Access NFTs: These NFTs can be used to grant access to exclusive events or areas, like VIP lounges or backstage areas at concerts.
  5. Identity NFTs: These NFTs can be used to represent a person's identity on a blockchain, making it easier to verify their identity in various contexts.
  6. Loyalty Points: NFTs can be used to represent loyalty points or rewards programs, providing a more secure and transparent way for customers to track their points and redeem rewards.

Overall, the key difference between utility NFTs and art NFTs is that utility NFTs are designed to have a specific purpose or utility beyond just representing ownership of a digital asset.

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